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Holiday Planning

It's not too soon to start planning for holiday!

To support you I've put together a guide that will walk you through what content to create for each week of Q4. It covers the minimum amount of outreach I would recommend, so, especially if you're going to be promoting any events or sales, take this plan and add to it. Getting ahead of your marketing and showing up consistently will lead to a successful season!

I hope you find it helpful. Don't hesitate to reach out with questions! If you're looking for more support I have a few resources available:

  • Set up a consulting call: During this hour-long call we can work through your holiday plan and get you set up for the season.

  • Join the Stay Gold Collective: For on-going support including weekly training videos, interviews with industry experts, a private forum, direct feedback on your brand and an incredible community of designers I encourage you to check out the Stay Gold Collective. Sign up now and receive access to the past two years of content and a free consulting call.

  • Marketing Training Videos: Each video provides actionable steps to help you get started and real examples. Now available on my website are three 45 minute video trainings covering the following topics; Content Planning, Email Marketing and Planning, Reporting and Analyzing Results.

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